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Project Summary
The economic and financial circumstances of a family can have a variety of psychological and behavioral impacts on both parents and their children. Many of these impacts may become particularly salient during the adolescent years. The Study of Teen Experiences that Promote Success (STEPS) study is a longitudinal and cross-sectional investigation of how family finances relate to adolescent behaviors, with sites at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. The STEPS study involves surveys collected from both parents and their teenagers 3 times a year for two years. Through this work, we hope to better understand how family economic circumstances affect youth functioning, behavior, health, and future goal-setting.
What does the study involve?
- One interview over Zoom, with both the parent and the teen
- 7 online questionnaires for each parent and teen
- Questionnaires will be administered every 4 months for two years
- Each person will receive $25, for a total of $50 per family, for each survey completed
- At the end of the study, participants will receive a $5 bonus for each completed survey for a total of up to $35 additional compensation
Why should I participate?
- Parents may develop new insights into their teens’ behaviors and aspirations
- Teens may also develop new insights into their own goals, experiences, and behaviors
- Research such as this could be used to inform health professionals, clinicians, policymakers, and educators about the impacts of family finances on adolescent behavior